
This is an example of the Timeline page template. The Timeline lets you choose a category to display and what chronology to use. You can display post excerpts or whole contents and if you want you can turn link through off so that the timeline becomes a stand-alone page.

  • January 1, 2015

    Looking to the Future

    AzusaStreet2 Since the beginning of the Azusa Street Mission in 1905, people have flocked to 312 Azusa Street in Los Angeles. Even after the building was demolished and the charisma continues to spread, the physical address has become a pilgrimage site. Each year, hundreds of people from around the world come to 312 Azusa Street for spiritual reflection and connection.more
  • January 1, 2014

    Pentecostalism Today

    16188170858_27726e7a77_o As of 2014, there are 631 million Pentecostals, making Pentecostalism the largest group of Christians next to Catholism. Currently, 1 in 4 Christians identify as Pentecostal and the numbers continue to grow. This spark was ignited a little over 100 years ago at 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles, California, and Pentecostalism has become the fastest-growing religion in the world!more
  • December 8, 2012

    Grapefruit Planting Ceremony on Azusa and San Pedro Streets

    15793399139_b47bd43562_o On December 8, 2012 at the corner of Azusa and San Pedro, several community groups came together to plant a grapefruit tree to replace one that had been lost. Japanese Americans, Skid Row community activist, Native Americans, Azusa Street Revival members and Pentecostals came together to celebrate this new tree together, inviting everyone to participate by adding a scoop of soil to the newly planted tree. In 2004, the last remaining tree from when the site was a fruit orchard was accidently killed with hot cooking oil. It was a 125-year-old grapefruit tree, which still bore fruit and was beloved by the local communities. This planting ceremony marks an important time of community-building and community-bridging along Azusa Street. At this time, Los Angeles had 3,857,799 residents.more
  • January 1, 2000

    Pentecostalism in America

    Jesus-is-Lord-Manila-1 In 2000, the prevalence of Pentecostals in America continues to grow. The map on the right shows the number of charismatic churches across the nation.more
  • January 1, 1970

    Growth of Global Pentecostalism

    16271132356_3bde624a0a_o 65 years after Seymour's first sermon at Azusa street, it was estimated that there were 63 million pentecostals around the world!more
  • July 2, 1936

    Jenne Evans Seymour Passes Away

    16109247070_13550fc401_o Jennie Evans Seymour dies. She is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Los Angeles, California.more
  • July 1, 1931


    15333516844_f766e4294c_o (1) Early July 1931, the Azusa Street Mission is demolished.more
  • September 28, 1922

    Seymour Passes

    15660638914_4ea4e7240e_o In Los Angeles on September 28, 1922, William J. Seymour passed away from a heart attack. Faithful to the end, his last words were "I love my Jesus so." He is burried in the Evergreen Cemetary in Los Angeles.more


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Azusa Street Mission

Azusa Street Mission